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Celebrating the Diversity of cultural Festivals in Bangladesh

Celebrating the Diversity of cultural Festivals in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country with a rich and diverse cultural heritage, and this is reflected in its many festivals and celebrations. Colorful and vibrant festivities are organized each year to celebrate these occasions, bringing together people from all walks of life....

Your Bangladesh travel question answered

Your Bangladesh travel question answered

Are you looking for an adventure? Here, all your Bangladesh travel question answered. Bangladesh is the perfect destination for you! This vibrant country is full of hidden treasures, from ancient ruins and remote villages to stunning natural landscapes and vibrant...

Social media influencer traveling Bangladesh

Social media influencer traveling Bangladesh

Social Media Influencer - Traveling Bangladesh Deshghuri in intended to give personalized experience to its every guest. Depending on the guests preference we arrange tour that focus on culture and people, food, nature, wild life, ethnic & unique culture...

is Bangladesh open for tourism?

is Bangladesh open for tourism?

is Bangladesh open for tourism and tourists Yes, Bangladesh is OPEN ...Travel Restrictions, COVID Tests & Quarantine RequirementsNo, as per the latest Government Circular there is no restriction to move around the country. PCR testing is available in all major...

আলপনা – Alpona Village Art – 文化村

আলপনা – Alpona Village Art – 文化村

“Which way to Tikoil, the folk-art village?” asked Mani, our guide about a place where even he had never ventured. An old farmer in the paddy fields waved us on, so we drove on for miles more along serpentine lanes. I wasn’t really sure what to expect of the village as it wasn’t in the plan. A few craft shops full of things we didn’t want or need? I was wrong of course, for I could see nothing when we pulled up near some adobe mud houses; northern …

কেরানীগঞ্জ – Dockyards of Dhaka – 达卡船坞

কেরানীগঞ্জ – Dockyards of Dhaka – 达卡船坞

There is something both deeply disturbing and perversely fascinating about a visit to the dockyards in Dhaka. For starters, the shipyards are located on the banks of the Buriganga – the country’s most polluted river – and the stench that emanates from the oily gloop isn’t pretty. We crossed the busy waterway on a small wooden sampan, and it took the strength and skill of the ferryman to row us to Keraniganj, on the other side…

কান্তজীউ মন্দির – A Temple to Love – 克利须那

কান্তজীউ মন্দির – A Temple to Love – 克利须那

Of all the beautiful temples we visited in Bangladesh, Kantaji Temple at Dinajpur was a standout. Clad in lace-like pottery ornamentation, Kantaji is without doubt one of the finest examples of terracotta architecture in Bengal. In essence, it’s a temple of love, dedicated to the Hindu god, Lord Krishna and his supreme Goddess, Radha. Today, the temple is still popular with followers of the divine couple and Radha-Krishna pilgrims, who stay in simple accommodation in the temple grounds. By coincidence, on the day we visited it was Holi, the Hindu “festival of love” or “festival of colours” that signifies good over evil and the arrival of spring, so we watched pilgrims perform rituals of devotion in the temple surrounds …

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